Anderson Children's Foundation

Steinway Society

Piano and Ukulele Labs (2019-2020)

Piano and Ukelele classes are offered after school on site. Children learn the fundamentals of music and popular songs that they are proud to perform for friends and family.

Summer Music Camp (2018-2019, 2017-2018, 2015-2016, 2014-2015)

Steinway Society's Summer Music Camp provides 6 weeks of music-based activities to 4th-8th grade students. Children will gain experience in music and theater by participating in interactive classes. Specifically, they will focus on group singing, music notation, rhythm, acting and performance techniques, simple set design, and an instrument of their choice (Percussion, Piano, Keyboard, Ukulele, Guitar, or Violin).

In the first four weeks, movie musicals are the focus of camp. Students watch a movie (The Sound of Music, Oklahoma, Mary Poppins, and The Wizard of Oz) and prepare a related group singing performance, while also learning other musical skills. The camp will culminate with a performance of songs from that week's musical, featuring backdrops and props the students create for each show. This performance is free and open to all.

Music education empowers students to improve their academic and creative skills, develop listening and focus skills, and build self-confidence. It helps them become well-rounded and successful in life, and increased their likelihood of graduating high school. Although many music programs are being cut nationwide, the Steinway Society remedies this problem by offering music instruction during school, after school, and during the summer.